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Marketing Ink: Big Ideas for Local Businesses

May 27, 2020

Brian Fanzo is a Keynote speaker, digital futurist, brand evangelist, and marketing educator. In this episode, we'll share what local businesses can do now and in the future to leverage technology to better connect with their community, clients, potential clients and also shift in their business when necessary by being...

May 20, 2020

In this episode, I break down your "Social Marketing System", a term I coined when trying to describe the assets and processes you need in place to see success in social media marketing or paid online advertising. Sadly, most business owners see an ad as the focus of their advertising, when in reality, it's only a...

May 13, 2020

In this episode of Marketing Ink, I'm joined by Stacy Tushl, founder of Foot Traffic Formula and owner of two performing arts academies in Milwaukee Wisconsin. Stacey and I discuss ways that you can be a leader in times of uncertainty or stress, by encouraging your team, getting creative, and taking care of yourself first!

May 7, 2020

Content marketing is either overvalued or undervalued by local businesses. They either think it’s the only thing they need to generate leads or clients, or they think it doesn’t play a part at all. The truth is, it matters, but it needs to fit appropriately within your strategy and be well thought out on the front...